If you have a pet that has peed on your carpet in the past, we’re sure you’ve noticed that dog urine smells worse in summer months. While most people think it has to do with summer heat, it actually has to do with humidity. It’s the water in the air that draws the unpleasant odor …Continue Reading…
Published: August 13, 2013
Categories: Carpet Cleaning, General, Pet Odor, Uncategorized
Has your basement flooded lately and damaged your Oriental rugs? With a high value (both monetary and sentimental), you (and your insurance company) want them cleaned right. Unfortunately, many companies don’t follow the right process. Many times, rugs are permanently damaged not from an incident, but from improper handling. The following are the steps we …Continue Reading…
Published: August 1, 2013
Categories: Area Rugs, Carpet Cleaning, General, Oriental Rug Cleaning
Do you know what a tea-washed rug is? It’s a term used for rugs that have been over-dyed with a brown or gold “tea-like” spray, which darkens the fibers, making them appear to have the look of an older rug. It is also often used to hide flaws in a rug, such as discolored areas …Continue Reading…
Published: July 21, 2013
Categories: Area Rugs, Carpet Cleaning, General, Uncategorized
Wondering which of your area rugs should be professionally cleaned? In many cases, this will be a straight-forward question with an equally simple answer. Other times, it becomes more difficult to come up with a clear-cut determination. There are three basic areas you need to consider: First would be the soiling condition of your area …Continue Reading…
Published: July 15, 2013
Categories: Area Rugs, Carpet, Carpet Cleaning, General, Uncategorized
It’s a big debate. Are hard floors or carpets better for a healthy home? Let’s explore. According to the EPA: Indoor air pollution is ranked among the top five environmental risks to public health. This is important as most people spend 90% of their time indoors. Children are most at risk. The question becomes, “How can I …Continue Reading…
Published: July 5, 2013
Categories: Carpet, Carpet Cleaning, General, Hard Floors
Those ugly black lines around your baseboards are really soil filtration lines. They are dark soiled areas that develop gradually on carpet. They are most common around the edges of a room next to the wall, under floor length draperies and under doors. But they can develop anywhere there is an air space such as …Continue Reading…
Published: June 27, 2013
Categories: Carpet Cleaning, General, Uncategorized
As urine begins to dry it changes its hydrogen content and forms crystalline salts, which take on an alkaline pH. When dried urine is remoistened it gives off an ammonia gas. This is one way to identify a problem area, by the odor. If smelled once it is seldom forgotten. The source of odors associated …Continue Reading…
Published: June 18, 2013
Categories: Carpet Cleaning, General, Pet Odor, Uncategorized
6736 W. 153rd St.
Overland Park, KS 66223
9134387767 913-438-7767